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What About the Heart You Created?

Updated: Feb 6, 2019

Live and Grow Now Series- What About the Heart You Created?

Why do we reach out to one another? What is the real reason we feel we need another individual to support us? To care for us? To need us? To love us? Why is this fundamental and critical to human evolvement and fulfillment? Is it really necessary? or are we suffering from co-dependency? Can we evolve without human touch and go on to live authentic lives? Do we really need validation from another human? Can we not find our own way? Can we not be satisfied with our own self? Is rejection driving us to conform instead of living in truth? Tolerance or acceptance which do we really need? Why do our feelings change? If we have found the one how is it that love can fizzle, dwindle and dissolve? Is love real? Or is love just another way we walk out delusions?

What if rejection wasn’t real?

Does denying our sexual urges mean we are doing the right thing for us, for the other person? Or does indulging our sexual fantasies mean we have other psychological or mental issues?

Who and what determines what is right in relationships? If we look at the centuries that have come and gone and zoom in on how society as a whole has interacted, can we really say we have an accurate standard to follow? Do we need to follow one?

Are we all fumbling in the dark and every now and then or every once in a while the light switch turns on and we can briefly see –something before we plunge back into darkness or is the light so bright we miss the visuals we were supposed to view?

Why is it that some experiences are wonderful and the same experiences for another repulsive? Is our uniqueness a plus or a negative? Is it of true worth and value or a tool to use at our own discretion?

How do we let go? And if we let go what guarantees do we have that we won’t be blind sided by the one we have put trust in to protect us? How open can we really be before the opening becomes a pit?

When will it be that our fingertips can touch and we feel the energy course through our bodies and then the heat and not disintegrate because of it? Can we truly express ourselves one to the other without bruising each other in the process?

How do we deal with misunderstanding and misinterpretation? When do we accept what is as it is?

Why are we here? How did we get here?

Let’s begin…

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